Saturday, April 4, 2009

The fourth estate has betrayed the nation!
The leadership has betrayed the nation!
Corruption is endemic in the society!
Most Indians "accept" corruption as "normal". We can't get worse than that!
In the name of eliminating "casteism" we have entrenched it deeper into our society. In the name of establishing a "secular" society we have divided the country more and more and today the religious bigotry is much more than we ever saw it!
We need to do things differently now!
I wonder how and when we shall understand that we need better people to vote for। I am going to wite more on this.
We need to do different things than we do now if we really want this great nation to remain strong and united.
मैं अक्सर सोचता हूँ कि क्या हमारे एक अरब लोगों के देश में ५४२ साफ़ सुथरे लोग नहीं मिल सकते सब राजनीतिक पार्टियों को मिला कर?
मैं सोचता हूँ कि इस देश में जहाँ सभी पार्टियाँ जाति और धर्म के लोगों कि गिनती के आधार पर प्रत्याशियों को टिकट देती हैं, चुनाव बिना धार्मिक भावनाओं के कैसे हो सकते हैं? क्या यह सभी कुछ झूठ का पुलंदा नहीं है? क्यों हम मुद्दों , प्रत्याशियों की काबिलियत और उनके चरित्र, सेवा भाव, देश की प्रति निष्ठा और जनसाधारण के लिए अच्छी भावना की बिन्हा पर टिकट नहीं देते? और फिर यह कैसे आशा करते हैं की जनता सही लोगों को अपना मत दे जब अच्छे लोगों को नहीं बल्कि 'जीत' सकने वाले लोगों को टिकट मिलते हैं, चाहे वो बाहुबली और जाने माने अपराधी या देशद्रोही ही क्यों न हों?
मैं सोचता हूँ की क्या समाचार पत्रों की मतदाताओं को अच्छे प्रत्याशियों को मत देने की नसीहतें ऐसे वातावरण में कामयाब हो सकेंगी जब ऐसे प्रत्याशी हैं ही नहीं?

Introductory Blog

I am Rakesh Shah. I am not familiar with blogging and its environmet and would try to learn to use bloggs to good adavntage for the general good. I have travelled a lot and had the opportunity to work in trans-cutural seettings, reasonably well read and a creature of the old world with a healthy respect for decency, good values and relationships based on mutual respect.

My hobbies include photography (no calim to any proficiency), religion with reference to its social impact, history and sceintific understanding.

I am a nationalist and feel deepy pained at the state of the nation and social situation in India. The degeneration of the political and social discourse, destruction of democratic values, greatest degree of hypocrisy in the political system and demise of sense on nationhood amongst politicians and leaders is a constant source of discomfort and anguish for me.

In my opinion the media is our biggest failing now as it feeds unending footage of 'saleable' rather than 'acceptable' or 'beneficial' to peopel who are extremely susceptible to what they see or read and are unable to always separate grain from the chaff. The fourth estate has deceived the nation.

We'll talk about all that in the coming days.