Monday, March 1, 2010

Where are we going?

India is a democracy wherein a huge number of parliamentarians or legislators are known to have criminal background or connections. One may say that crime is after all their 'private' life. The same can be said of a lot of graft and sleeze that goes on in high places but no one ever wants to investigate and put an end to.

China is our second most important national obsession at the moment, next only to; no not cricket, Pakistan. On the television I believe that the most spoken single word theses days is Pakistan followed by perhaps 'Atank...'.

We hear all the time about the threat from Pakistan and how it is not acting against terrorists working across our borders from its soil. Do we ever ask what WE are doing about the terrorists here and the providers of shelter and the sleeping cells. Digvijay Singh would say that is an atrocity against Muslims. But these are not only Muslims and the law should be equally tough and proactive irrespective of their religious affiliation. Rather, the religious affiliation, minority tag or whatever other badge of Maulana, Sant or Pandit should not provide the subverters of India licence.

The United States has already delivered punishment to Headley for crimes including terrorism (India) and we are still nowhere near doing anything about Kasab, much less hanging Afzal Guru of the parliament attack case. India is indeed Mahaan!

Chinese are making incursions into our terrirtory at will. We are silently bearing it. We have no wherewithal or the will to fight a mighty enemy. Our foreign policy is an abject failure. The country is in disarray which is only thinly camouflaged by the recent economic glitter and deceptive growth rate data. The communal and caste rivalries and the suspicion amongst them are at an unprecedented level, mutual tolerance amongst various parts of society is at an all time low, sense of humour has been replaced by caution even in a joke, honesty has been thrown away for political correctness - we are sitting on a veritable tinder box. In the name of elimination of the caste divide we have widened it to a point where reconnection is now impossible.

Why is the country going where it is? If you see carefully at out parliament and legislatures you would be appalled at the total absence of discussion and healthy argument on any matter of national security, finance, education and allocation of revenue. The discussion and discourse is mainly about caste, reservations, provisions for pilgrimages, minorities, dalits and  so on. Indeed all these need attention but won't for long if the state itself fails, and risks its very existence.

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