Monday, October 9, 2017

Demise of Decency

AIB Roast controversy has kicked up once again the issue of where to draw a line in the context of expression of freedom and decency in public discourse. Where does it begin to hurt? Whom, and why, and most of all - who cares! The debate on electronic media on issues has reached nauseating proportions. I happened to see some clips of the AIB Roast where men and women, all adults were sitting and the most disgusting language was being used with often filthy actions frequently accentuated by dirtiest gesticulations. And a lot of these men and women, many of whom are well known celebrities were laughing and 'enjoying' the perversions. It is indeed appalling where the language has gone.

They were using crude words for men's and women's genitals and explicit language describing sexual acts and aberrations alike on the microphones in full public view with no compunctions about the fact that many of these figure were followed and emulated by a large number of impressionable young people.

Cuss words and double meaning words and phrases are becoming the order of the day in the movies and advertisements. Now how does one explain to little children if the ask during an advert or movie dialogue ki kisi ki kya 'Phat Gayi'? I am sure Rani Mukherji will be happy to tell her own children when they are 3/4 or 5 year old what that means and how exactly it happens.

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